Effluent product range
Rural Driect manufactures durable effluent pipe to effectively and economically disperse dairy shed effluent onto pastures.
Rural Direct manufactures or distributes – Effluent Pipe – Draghose – Williams Irrigators – Riser Hydrants
Proudly made in New Zealand, we aim to produce and deliver quality products.
Effluent Pipe
Effluent Pipe is manufactured from Medium Density Polyethylene (MDPE) to PE80:SDR17 dimensions in AS/NZS4130. This ensures that both internal and external fittings will fit the pipe.
MDPE material is suitable for use above the ground due to its excellent U.V. stability resistance. It has 8 lilac stripes to signify ‘recycled effluent water’.
Rural Direct have a specifically designed Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE) Draghose available in 63 and 75mm outside diameter.
This pipe is designed to be flexible with a thick wall to resist while towing.
It has 8 lilac stripes to signify ‘recycled effluent water’.
Coil sizes available: 50 and 100m rolls
Travelling Irrigators
We know that effective and efficient farm dairy effluent disposal systems takes time to plan, install and manage, but that time spent is recovered by the returns gained through better use of the dairy farm effluent and a user-friendly system
Riser Hydrant
The Riser Hydrant design is nothing new to the market, but with our experienced installation team installing many different brands, we soon discovered the advantages and disadvantages of each of the hydrants.
Whangarei 09 433 7028 Auckland 09 297 2045 Matamata 07 888 1593 Taranaki 06 272 8187 Dannevirke 06 374 8971 Hawkes Bay 06 242 2333 Gisborne 06 242 3007
0800 RURAL DIRECT 0800 787 253
Rural Direct for all your agricultural supplies with a range of products and solutions for farmers, contractors, growers and lifestyle agriculturalists.